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Confess Quotes

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If I’m gonna go down I’m gonna do it with style. You won’t hear me surrender, you won’t hear me confess cause you’ve left me with nothing but I have worked with less.  (Confess Quotes) When marriage exposes a person’s selfishness and sins it’s doing what it is meant to do: bringing our sins and wounds to light so we can recognize them, confess them, and begin the healing process.  (Confess Quotes) If God is playing hide and seek with us, I must confess that I am quite bored with this childish game!  (Confess Quotes) There are lots of those who speak but few who do. However, no one should distort the word of God by his own negligence, but it is better to confess your own weakness, not hiding the truth of God, so that together with the breaking of the commandments you do not also appear guilty of an untrustworthy explanation of the word of God.  (Confess Quotes)
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